Zvonimir Dobrović
Resisting temptations
Chris Baldwin
Festivals are the decentralised and irreplaceable spaces for imagining the unimaginable. If they did not exist, we would have to re-invent them
Kateryna Lozenko
Joining Hands and Hearts: Notes from Ukraine at the beginning of a long Journey
Jordi Albareda
On the growing need to think
Chris Salter
Theatre meets Extended Reality to question Climate Change
Horacio Pérez
Creating “nets” instead of “networks”

“Lets talk…” was the guiding thought of this year’s Arts Festivals Summit of the European Festivals Association in Girona hosted by Festival Castell de Peralada in April. And we talked… and talked! 227 people bound together by their work and love for the arts, for festivals and for connections between people and ideas from around the world for 5 days. Some of those who contributed actively to the Arts Festivals Summit are featured in this Eye-to-Eye Magazine. You’ll see, it’s a mixture of diverse thoughts that connect, whether they are central or peripheral to mainstream debate, that you’ll enjoy reading.
Kathrin Deventer
EFA Secretary General