Aleš Šteger
How to live after the end of reflection
Ayoko Mensah
Afropolitan festivals: a challenge
Alicja Gescinska
On Music, Morality and Krzysztof Penderecki
Tomáš Sedláček
Advantages of disadvantages, or don’t let the quarantine slip through your fingers
Melanie Burge
The pandemic’s immediate impact on performing arts in Australia
Simon Mundy
Mediterranean Blues

…with those that inform, influence or inspire festival makers and making: the artist, the economist, the philosopher, the urban planner, the academic, the politician.
The European Festivals Association’s (EFA) ‘The Festival Quarterly’ Eye-to-Eye assembles a variety of voices that speak about our society, the state of the arts and reasons why the arts exist, concepts, and moments in contemporary life.
It includes articles we commission and material we ask editors to provide. Eye-to-Eye offers a mosaic of reflections, opinion pieces, personal statements, seemingly unrelated yet fitting with each other. It reflects EFA’s journey to broaden our conversations and dig into the habitat of festivals, taking us well beyond the process of festival making.
Today we are sharing with you the very first issue: The Festival Quarterly’s Summer 2020 edition. We intend to publish Eye-to-Eye articles, film abstracts and material every 3 months.
We will develop this project with the experience of each edition: Eye-to-Eye will be an evolving project, taking into consideration the suggestions we will receive from festivals and our stakeholders community. Be part of it.
Kathrin Deventer
EFA Secretary General